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Among Leonardo's vineyards

The activities connected to the production of wine and oil have shaped the territory over the centuries, creating a mosaic of wooded areas alternating with cultivated fields, dotted with picturesque villages and numerous farms scattered throughout the area.
This itinerary through the Carmignano wine production area, in the area that boasts the oldest D.O.C.G. recognition. of the world with a announcement by Grand Duke Cosimo III de' Medici in 1716, up to the production area of Chianti Montalbano and outside the province in Vinci, Leonardo's birthplace (sports cycling tourism).


Departure and arrival point: Seano

Along the route: Carmignano, Pinone, Vinci, San Baronto, Quarrata

Length: 47.5 km

Height difference: 758 m

Difficulty: high

Connections: In the footsteps of Leonardo, Ciclostorica Medicea

Suitable for: Racing bicycle