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Pole Biter A bronze sculpture by Gijs Assmann that captures the eye along the Bisenzio river, at the height of Datini Bridge

Pole Biter – Paalbijter by Dutch artist Gijs Assmann is a work of art that fascinates the eyes of visitors along the pedestrian and cycle path that develops on the eastern bank of the Bisenzio river, near Datini Bridge. This stunning life-size bronze sculpture stands stately near  outdoor exercise equipment.

The work integrates harmoniously with the territory that hosts it, taking on life and giving it a new soul. With his surprisingly realistic yet grotesque representation of the man clinging to a pole, Assmann invites us to reflect on the ancient principle of Bernard of Chartres: "We are like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants."

However, the sculpture does not turn towards the horizon, but remains anchored to the pole, biting the bark with an irrepressible expressive power. In this vision, the artist offers us a bold reinterpretation, inviting us to consider our roots, our origins and our connection with the past. Assmann creates short circuits in our perception, stimulating the personal interpretation of the spectator who, during the walk along the Bisenzio river, is accompanied on a journey of reflection lasting over time.

Walking among the splendid landscapes that surround Assmann's work, you will be seduced by his artistic strength.


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