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Sanctuary of Santa Maria del Soccorso Where history blends with faith and artistic beauty

The Sanctuary of Santa Maria del Soccorso is a splendid structure built in Prato between 1575 and 1578, following an extraordinary event that marked its history.

It was the 6th of November 1574, when a young shepherdess, together with her flock, was surprised by a terrible storm. In desperation, she sought refuge next to a tabernacle depicting the Madonna breastfeeding the Child, a masterly work by Antonio di Miniato. The surrounding ditches overflowed and the area began to flood. The shepherdess begged the Madonna to protect her and, miraculously, both she and her flock were saved from the wrath of the waters. From that moment, intense veneration began for this tabernacle which had brought salvation.

Initially, the tabernacle was located not far from the current building, and to protect it while waiting for the construction of the sanctuary, a small oratory was built around it. When the sanctuary was finally completed, the miraculous image was carried inside in a solemn procession. And since then, other prodigious events occurred, strengthening the faith of believers even further.

The large influx of pilgrims who flocked to pay homage to the Virgin pushed devout souls to build a sumptuous porch in 1585. Designed by Alfonso Parigi the Elder, a grandiose architecture arose that still extends today on three sides of the building, offering a safe refuge to souls in search of comfort. This porch became the first example of a new way of conceiving spaces, influencing the construction of other Tuscan sanctuaries over the following centuries.

The entire structure of the sanctuary develops in a single nave, and on the sides of the presbytery there are two precious painted panels, adorned with elegant niches. The miraculous fresco, inserted in a splendid panel of Santi di Tito, dating back to the period between 1580 and 1584, depicts God the Father, the Holy Spirit and the Angels in a celestial dance of light and grace.



  • Via Roma, 186 - Soccorso Prato (PO)

  • Ticket: free entrance

  • Phone: 0574 607219