The pedal-powered factory A work of art that combines the passion for cycling and the industrial district of Prato
The Pedal-powered Factory is a peculiar mural created by the artist Yuri Romagnoli in the underpass that connects Piazza Ciardi to Via del Serraglio, starting from Prato Porta al Serraglio train station. Romagnoli wanted to represent on the wall of the underpass an illustrated history of the textile tradition which played a fundamental role in the development of the industrial district of Prato. Using his main theme, the bicycle, the artist created a project that imagines a textile factory powered by pedal power. Modified bicycles generate clean energy and move the looms and equipment for the production of clothes. This symbolic representation reflects the workforce that contributed to the city's economic growth.
The mural, made with white and red paints, not only creates a more cozy atmosphere than a normal underpass, but also invites us to observe what our city has to offer. The work is present on both sides of the railway underpass and represents the union of Romagnoli's great passion, the bicycle, with the industrial world of Prato, conceiving a cleaner and more free future.
Yuri Romagnoli's the Pedal-powered Factory invites you to explore the combination of art, history and passion for cycling and reflect on the power of work and sustainability. in a unique and engaging way.
- Via del Serraglio - Piazza Ciardi - Prato (PO)
Accessibility for disabled: yes
Typology: Contemporary and street art
It is part of the itineraries: Street Art