Observing the world through other people's eyes A mythological and ethnic exploration through the mural of the former Calamai factory
The theatrical mural,Observing the world through other people's eyes, found a home on the external walls of the former Calamai factory commissioned by the Metastasio Theatre. This extraordinary work of art was created by Dem, a famous Lombard street artist, and is clearly visible from the cycle path that runs along Viale Galilei.
The work, full of meanings, draws inspiration from mythological and fantastic figures that mix human beings, animals and plants, thus representing the complexity of the city of Prato. On the left of the mural, a couple indicates the elements that narrate the history and profound changes of Prato. We start from the Etruscan under the full moon, symbol of the rich history of the city, and then move on to the Chinese Woman, who represents the large Chinese community of Prato. The Tree Man represents bond to nature, while the African-South American Dancer symbolizes their respective cultural communities. Finally, the last figure, the Unimaginable, depicts a desirable future in which the elements merge to create something new. This figure recalls, in shape and motifs, all those that precede it and holds a sign with the writing "MET" (which stands for Metastasio), symbolizing the Metastasio Theatre.
These meanings are revealed almost for fun, through a combination of vivid colours, in this masterpiece which embodies the artistic and cultural essence of the city.
- Viale Galilei - Prato (PO)
Accessibility for disabled: yes
Typology: Contemporary and street art
It is part of the itineraries: Street Art, Along the Bisenzio river