Nature and sports
Prato is located at the mouth of the Bisenzio Valley in the middle of the plain - originated by a large lake progressively filled with sediments brought by the rivers - on which Florence and Pistoia rise. On one side we find the first hills of the Calvana mountains which the city is leaning against, on the other the hills of Monteferrato. In a few minutes you can go from places dense of houses and industrial settlements to areas largely covered with woods and, at lower altitudes, from strips of cultivated land.
Many possibilities for excursions: easy walks on hilly paths (Monteferrato), challenging itineraries in a decidedly mountainous environment (High Bisenzio Valley), walking in the thick vegetation to discover the karstic phenomena (Calvana), or walking through meadows beaten by the wind (higher altitudes of Calvana). The southern part of the territory includes the gentle hills of Montalbano, characterized by beautiful hills cultivated with olive groves and vineyards.
Prato and its natural heritage - Video