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Former Abatoni Mill A historic building that takes us back to the end of the thirteenth century

The Former Abatoni Mill is a building full of history and charm that takes us back in time. This structure, dating back to the end of the thirteenth century, is the guardian of the secrets of a bygone era, when it served as a mill in the villa of Santa Lucia.

In the fifteenth century, the Abatoni Fulling Mill, together with that of the Strisciola, was part of the prestigious heritage of the Abbey of San Fabiano. In the sixteenth century, it came under the aegis of the Chapter of Prato, consolidating its importance in local history.

This place was one of the pioneers of the proto-industrial time, transforming itself from a mill into a fulling mill. Back in 1697, when the general census of all the hydraulic systems in the Grand Duchy was drawn up, the Abatoni Fulling Mill was at the forefront. This structure was described as a mill with two millstones and a fulling mill with three showers, testifying to the intense activity that took place there.

During the twentieth century, the Former Abatoni Mill underwent an extraordinary transformation. It was incorporated into a vast industrial complex and turned into a wool mill by Alessandro Pacchiani. However, his story didn't stop there.

Recently, the entire area has undergone a redevelopment process. The spaces have been transformed into living and commercial places, giving a modern experience that blends harmoniously with the ancient charm of the mill.

And what about the evidence of its industrial past? Even today, you can admire them inside a welcoming local restaurant business. The place that once housed the water wheels has been converted into a truly unique cellar, with private spaces for unforgettable dinners.

And what about the evidence of its industrial past? Still admirable today inside a welcoming local restaurant. The place that once housed the water wheels has been converted into a truly unique cellar, with private spaces for unforgettable dinners.

And finally, we cannot forget its hidden treasure: the margone, an element that narrates the history and evolution of this extraordinary place.


  • Via degli Abatoni, 7 - 59016 Prato (PO)