San Michele Feast
The Feast of San Michele is the beating heart of Carmignano, a celebration that still today inflames the hearts of the whole town. Its history dates back to 1932, when it was designed with passion and creativity. However, the cult of San Michele, the archangel with the powerful sword that defeated demons, dates back centuries to the Longobard populations who settled here around 1100. Even then, there were numerous people who came to Carmignano from the surrounding countryside, but the The festival had a different character, born as an act of resistance against the rulers of Pistoia.
The four districts, which still survive today and compete for the Palio, were established in 1934. The Tower District adopted the bell tower (Campano) as its symbol, in honor of the ancient fortress located in its territory, and the White, a symbol of peace, because the agricultural area was among the most calm in Carmignano. The Archangel District chose the sword and scales as its emblem, representing the Provostship of Saint Michael in its territory, and the Light blue color like the sky. The Lion District, with the Municipality in its territory, embraced the rampant lion as a municipal symbol and Yellow, the color of gold, since the wealthiest families and traders lived in this district. The Art District chose the anvil and the hammer as a symbol, given the numerous artisan workshops in its territory, and the Green, a symbol of poverty and hope, since the residents of this district were among the humblest in the country.
In the past, the festival took place on 29th September, in honor of the patron saint, but today it extends over three days, with the 29th remaining the peak of the celebrations. The real heart of the event is undoubtedly the parade of allegorical floats of the districts and the Donkeys Race. Every year, the parades follow an assigned theme by staging real theatrical shows in the street, with a myriad of participants wearing themed clothes, giving the public an extraordinary performance.
The Donkey Race is carried out along a circular route that crosses the main squares of the centre. Four donkeys, ridden bareback and representing the four districts, participate in the race. The winner is the one that first pierces a paper circle suspended at the finish line after completing four laps. The Race, however, is won by whoever accumulates the highest points during the three races. The districts can choose the jockeys, but the donkeys are assigned by lot.
Attending the Feast of San Michele is the best way to discover Carmignano, immersing yourself in its traditions, its atmosphere and the taste of its local delicacies. An experience that will lead you to get to know this wonderful community and its compelling history in depth.