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En bicicleta

Riding your bike, be it traditional, pedal-assisted, mountain bike, gravel or down hill, you will be able to travel along urban cycle paths or push yourself towards the wonderful territories of Bisenzio Valley and Montalbano, reaching otherwise inaccessible places and panoramic points of extraordinary beauty. Don't leave anything to chance and choose the itinerary that best suits your expectations, you will find medium and low difficulty routes but also more challenging routes.

Prato by bike

If you arrive by train with your bicycle you can immediately take a tour of the centre and ride between churches, palaces and medieval towers to reach the Cathedral in a few minutes, which houses the Filippo Lippi's frescoes, with its evocative pulpit by Donatello and the main squares of the city. Set aside some time for a short food and wine stop and delight your palate with typical products and set off to discover the surroundings!

Montalbano by bike

For two-wheel enthusiasts, whether mountain bikes, racing, gravel or downhill bikes, Montalbano offers a vast selection of itineraries. This corner of Tuscany is a true treasure chest that houses Medici villas recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, fascinating Etruscan archaeological areas and ancient parish churches. It is renowned for its Carmignano wine, its delicious flavours, its thousand-year history and its wonderful landscape.

Cycling the Bisenzio Valley

The Bisenzio Valley, narrow and nestled between Prato and Bologna, is a land of passage with strategic significance since ancient times. It has always attracted hikers and nature lovers looking for adventures and discoveries.
