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TIPO - Turismo Industrial Prato

Welcome to the world of “TIPO – Industrial Tourism Prato”, the journey into the history, the territory and the contemporary excellence of the Prato textile district!
TIPO is a unique experience, between history and contemporaneity, in the heart of Prato's factories, an international point of reference for the quality of the fabrics produced, with high-level workmanship designed for the great fashion brands.
Quality and innovation which, combined with the tradition of recycling raw materials, make the city a model of circular economy in the name of green philosophy.

Discover how factories tell stories

With TIPO, the story comes alive: Apps, friends, festivals, schools and much more!


TIPO is a continuous journey to discover the essence of the Prato textile district! These itineraries were designed to be enjoyed independently, so choose the route that best suits you and set off to discover a new world that will leave you speechless and full of a new awareness.

Industrial Archeology

TIPO is also a visit to old mills and ancient factories that come back to life in a contemporary context.

The museums

TIPO is culture and tradition! Discover a network of museums in which the ancient knowledge of textile art is preserved and handed down!