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Project for the enhancement of the image and tourist offer of the territory of the Prato Area

The "Project for the enhancement of the image and tourist offer of the territory of the Prato Area" aims to strengthen the tourist offer of the destination, increasing its attractiveness on national and international markets. The strategy, developed in collaboration with the entities of the area, responds to the needs of specific tourist segments.

Five main interventions are planned, with activities aimed at enhancing the territory and improving the tourist experience.

1. Activities to support the initiatives of Toscana Promozione Turistica

Thanks to the collaboration with Toscana Promozione Turistica, we have created a fascinating path that allows you to discover the treasures of our territory: from the Etruscans to medieval villages, from industrial archaeology to culinary excellences, from tourist paths to the design of dedicated packages. We have welcomed journalists and organized targeted visits to unique aspects of the territory, transforming them into ambassadors of our excellences, participated in tourism trade fairs and other strategic initiatives for the promotion of the destination.

Through seminars, we involved local tourism operators in the hospitality network, sharing the main strengths of the Area, the products to be enhanced and the initiatives to be promoted. The availability of updated digital and information material was essential to improve the quality of tourist reception.

2. Hospitality network

Our hospitality network is the beating heart of Prato hospitality. The project aims to maintain constant contact with tourism operators and coordinate information and reception offices, to improve the organization and attract new audiences. The network of stakeholders is consolidated and offers and packages are promoted through Visit Tuscany, distributing information material and raising awareness on the use of tourist cards. The social network coordinates events to increase interest in the territory, while a program of tutoring and specific seminars strengthens the skills of operators in hospitality and marketing. Therefore, through dedicated seminars and continuous training, we have created a team of tour operators prepared to help people discover and enhance the beauty of our territory and thanks to this co-design phase, it has been possible to develop tourist offers that are more in line with the needs of the territory.

3. Growth in the attractiveness of the hikings Routes

The routes of the Prato Area, the Via Medicea, the Via della Lana e della Seta and the Via delle Rocche offer a slow experience to discover ancient traditions and breathtaking landscapes. Various strategies have been adopted to be able to expand the catchment area by exploiting the latest technologies.

The use of augmented reality and QR codes placed on the signs along the walks was also important to allow 360° use of the content. In addition, the Cammini app was developed, which offers information on the Via Medicea, the Via della Lana e della Seta and the Via delle Rocche, which can be downloaded for free from the main digital stores with interactive content regarding the Routes.

4. Land Art on the Wool and Silk Route

The Land Art project along the Wool and Silk Route was designed to guide you through a journey between nature and culture, with the Centro Pecci in Prato and the MAMbo in Bologna.

The project involved local communities through creative workshops, created in collaboration with two important contemporary art museums: the Centro Pecci in Prato and the MAMbo in Bologna. The first batch of the project involved collaboration with the Centro Pecci for the overall curation of the project, the identification of places in the Montepiano area (Bisenzio valley) in collaboration with the CAI and the managers of the Route, where meetings, workshops and artistic laboratories were organized, actively involving local communities and schools.

5. Industrial Tourism project development

TIPO - Industrial Tourism Prato invites visitors to explore the beating heart of the Italian textile industry. From textile museums to guided tours of ancient factories, you will discover the evolution of fashion and innovation in our territory. Thanks to the use of augmented and virtual reality, visitors can live an immersive experience that connects past and present, making the industrial history of Prato accessible to all. A significant example is the hall of the Lazzerini Library, once a symbol of industrial tourism in Prato and now a modern library. The hall was identified as the most representative place, and through advanced virtual reality technologies, an experience was created that allows visitors to travel through time, discovering how the structure appeared during the period of shearing activity.

In addition, the free TIPO application, developed specifically for the Prato Industrial Tourism project, allows visitors, both independently and with a guide, to use their smartphone to access multimedia content related to the places of the textile district. Texts, videos and images enrich the experience with historical and cultural insights, offering a complete vision of the industrial heritage.


The total cost of the “Project for the enhancement of the image and tourist offer of the territory” is € 182,800.00, co-financed by the Tuscany Region for € 152,800.00 with funds for Development and Cohesion pursuant to the R.T. Management Decree no. 23037 of 21/11/2022 and for € 30,000.00 by the Prato Area.