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Make your holiday unique with an experience among the cellars and farms of Montalbano and Montemurlo discovering wine, culture and more. A fun opportunity to learn about the history of the territories where some of the best wines in Italy are produced, Carmignano and Pinot Noir from Bagnolo .

From the vines to the table between organic farming, modern technologies and ancient winemaking processes.

But companies do not only produce this precious nectar. As in the entire region, our hills are the land of high quality extra virgin olive oil and it is not difficult to understand this because the landscapes offer the view of immense expanses of well-tended olive groves.

And it doesn't end here...there are many typical products to try and buy to bring home a pleasant memory of the trip. A tasty way to connect with the places you are visiting.

To protect the Montalbano wineries, the Carmignano Wine Protection Consortium has existed since 1716. Subsequently, the Route of Carmignano wines and typical flavors of Prato was established, which - expanded over time - includes the gastronomic excellences of all the municipalities in the Prato area.

If you are curious to find out more, don't delay, organize your day dedicated to food and wine among the many companies that open their doors to visitors, proud of their excellent productions. Among inebriating flavors and aromas you will certainly not be disappointed.

  • Az. Agricola Pratesi
    Via Rizzelli, 9 - 59011 Loc. Seano, Carmignano.
    Ph. 055.8704108

  • Tenuta Castelvecchio
    Via delle Mannelle, 19 - 59011 Loc. Seano, Carmignano.
    Ph. 055.8705451

  • Fattoria Ambra
    Via Lombarda, 85 - 59015 Loc. Comeana, Carmignano.
    Ph. and fax 055.8719049

  • Fattoria di Artimino – Wine Estate
    Via La Nave, 11 - 59015 Loc. Artimino, Carmignano.
    Ph. 055.875141, 393.8588573

  • Fattoria di Bacchereto
    Via Fontemorana, 179 - 59015 Loc. Bacchereto, Carmignano.

  • Podere Allocco
    Via Capezzana, 19 - 59011 Loc. Seano, Carmignano.
    Ph. 0574.622462, mob. 333.9393027

  • Podere il Sassolo
    Via di Citerna, 5 – 59015 Carmignano.
    Ph. 055.8705983, 335.6230690

  • Podere Le Poggiarelle
    Via Le Volte, 2 – 59011 Loc. Fontanaccio, Seano, Carmignano.
    Ph. 055.8712343, 338.3931481

  • Tenuta di Capezzana
    Via di Capezzana, 100 - 59011 Loc. Seano, Carmignano.
    Ph. 055.8706005

  • Tenuta La Borriana
    Via  Arrendevole – 59015 Loc. Il Casino, Carmignano.
    Ph. 055.8710058

  • Tenuta Le Farnete
    Via Macia - 59015 Loc. Comeana, Carmignano.
    Ph. 055.8719585, 0571/910078

  • Colline San Biagio
    Via San Biagio, 6/8 - 59015 Loc. Bacchereto, Carmignano.
    Ph. 055.8717143

  • Tenuta Ceri
    Via delle Ginestre, 45 – Loc. Comeana, Carmignano.

  • Az. Agricola Piaggia
    Via Cegoli, 47 - 59016 Loc. Poggetto, Poggio a Caiano.
    Ph. 055.8705401

  • Az. Agricola Marchesi Pancrazi
    Via Montalese, 156 59015 Montemurlo
    Ph. 0574.652748