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Protected area of the Calvana Mountains Discover the scenic and natural wonders of the Calvana Mountains Protected Area through exciting hiking excursions

Explore the majesty of Calvana, a mountain range that stands between Prato and Florence, with Monte Cuccoli rising to 916 meters and Monte Maggiore in Calenzano. For the people of Prato, Calvana is like a maternal guardian who lovingly watches over the city.

This imposing limestone massif is a karst treasure, dotted with caves, sinkholes and springs. The large grassy expanses along the ridges offer breathtaking views and invaluable ecological value, so much so that the area is designated as a Site of Conservation Interest at community and regional level.

Rare species of amphibians live in the heart of the Calvana streams, such as the spectacled salamander and the great crested newt. The enchanting grasslands are home to extraordinarily rare flowers, such as the daffodil and around 60 different species of wild orchids. But the real protagonist of these expanses is the Calvanina, a native cattle breed that enchants visitors along the paths, alongside grazing sheep, pigs and horses in the wild.

In addition to its natural beauty, Calvana boasts millenary traces of human presence, some dating back to the Etruscan civilisation. These remains are a historical and cultural heritage of inestimable value, which contribute to further elevating the aura of this extraordinary place.

Words can only partially describe the beauty of Calvana. It is only by venturing directly that you can truly savor its wonders. So, don't hesitate to embark on one of these exciting hiking experiences and let yourself be conquered!

Hiking routes Hiking routes

Bifolchi - Casa Bastone path

The Bifolchi - Casa Bastone itinerary is an extremely pleasant and easily accessible route, starting from Prato, just beyond the Cappuccini church, along the CAI path n. 24. Through oak and hornbeam woods you will be immersed in nature as you approach Casa Bastone, an ancient farmhouse which today serves as a camp open to walkers. From here you can enjoy a spectacular panorama that extends across the entire Prato plain.

Walking time: 45 minutes
Difficulty: easy

Sofignano - Poggio dei Mandrioni path

Route that climbs up the central Calvana, starting from the parish church of Sofignano, along the CAI path n. 46, first crossing oak woods and then shrubs with broom, hawthorn and blackthorn.
Having abandoned the CAI path n.38 for the 46b, which leads to the ridge of Poggio dei Mandrioni, you face a very beautiful and panoramic stretch of path, which crosses meadows with splendid spring flowering where you can admire the "Spina Vagliucci", a monumental hawthorn.

Walking time: 2 hours
Difficulty: medium-difficult (uphill route with over 400 m of altitude difference)

Montecuccoli - Monte Prataccio path

Spectacular panoramic path that runs largely along the ridge of northern Calvana (CAI path n.20), starting from the parish church of San Michele in Montecuccoli. After crossing a short stretch inside the forest, you reach the suggestive ridge meadows, where it is not uncommon to find grazing animals. Beyond Monte Prataccio the path continues along the ridge, so it is possible to lengthen the walk as desired.

Walking time: 1 hour and a half
Difficulty: easy

We recommend wearing comfortable clothing and footwear, and bringing water and a light snack to refresh you along the way. Also remember to respect the surrounding environment, leaving everything as you found it and following the directions of the paths.
