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Figues séchées de Carmignano

Dried figs from Carmignano are a traditional delicacy known even beyond national borders. In Carmignano every house had at least one fig tree, and numerous varieties still survive today. Fresh figs are a real pleasure enjoyed with the famous Prato mortadella or stuffed with cream and pine nuts for an irresistible appetizer. However, it is in their traditional drying process that they reach their maximum expression, filled with a drizzle of butter and a walnut kernel.

Only figs of the prized "dottato" variety, considered the best ever, are carefully selected for drying. This variety, which ripens in September, is distinguished by its rounded shape, fine green or yellowish skin and extremely sweet and tasty amber or purplish pulp. The fruits are opened lengthwise, exposed to sulfur smoke and left to dry in the sun for a period of 35-40 days. The result is extraordinary: open and "lumpy" dried figs that take on the characteristic figure-eight shape, enriched with anise seeds. Colors range from gray to hazelnut, while the sugary sweetness with a delicate note of anise prevails on the palate. Dried figs from Carmignano are perfect as an appetizer, accompanied by the famous mortadella from Prato, or enjoyed as a dessert at the end of a meal for a memorable ending.

Since 2001, the dried figs of Carmignano have boasted recognition as a Slow Food presidium and are protected within the Association of Carmignano Dried Figs Producers.

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