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Huile des collines de Prato

The oil from our hills  is a real gem, imbued with the aromas of the wild herbs that grow under the shadows of the centuries-old olive trees. It is an extra virgin oil which, in addition to meeting the highest standards, also offers extraordinary organoleptic properties and health benefits.
This oil is an irreplaceable treasure in the rich Tuscan culinary tradition, used with skill especially raw, becoming the protagonist in almost all its recipes. The "new" oil, fresh and vibrant with its bright green and slight tingling, is particularly loved when it releases its aroma on raw vegetables for a delicious pinzimonium, or when poured generously on slices of toasted bread from Prato, the classic "fettunta", an explosion of garlic-and-oil flavour, or even on humble boiled beans.

This elixir is the beating heart of the Mediterranean diet, a main condiment which, thanks to its richness in antioxidants, sterols, polyphenols, chlorophylls and vitamin E, fights free radicals within our cells, helping to slow down the aging process. The scientific literature is unanimous on the multiple benefits of this yellow gold for our health.
These are just a few of the many secrets of olive oil. How much do you know? The list of its wonders seems endless: grandmother's remedies, beauty rituals and various applications.
But what makes extra virgin olive oil unique? It is extracted exclusively with mechanical methods, without resorting to chemical processes, maintaining a temperature below 28°C and must comply with rigid standards, presenting a maximum acidity of 0.8%. From squeezing a 100% raw product emerges, with no need for further refining or processing.