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Les vins de Carmignano

Tuscany is a land of wine production, generally small, scrupulously cared for crops. The wines of the Carmignano area deserve particular note, known and appreciated since the Middle Ages and made the object, already by the Medici, of legislative protection very similar to the controlled designations of origin they currently enjoy.

Way back in 1716, the Grand Duke of Tuscany Cosimo III de' Medici issued a historic edict which gave Carmignano the prestigious status of Denomination of Controlled Origin (DOC), a pioneer among the first Italian areas to obtain this recognition. This important step marked the beginning of a long winemaking tradition of excellence.

Grand Duke Cosimo III had imposed the cuttings of Cabernet Sauvignon from France, had dictated harvesting rules, the reporting of grapes, the repression of fraud and established the boundaries of the production area and the methods of trade. A task currently ensured by a Consortium that brings together all the producers. The brilliant Carmignano made from Sangiovese, Canaiolo, and Cabernet Sauvignon vines, stands out for its lively ruby color and delicate complex aroma. It is a wine that accompanies roasts, game and mature cheeses. Barco Reale is the younger brother of Carmignano. With an intense and full-bodied flavour, it takes its name from a Medici hunting reserve. It is made with Sangiovese, black Canaiolo, Cabernet Sauvignon grapes, small doses of Colorino and Occhio di Pernice and goes well with first courses, more delicate meats and side dishes. Vin Ruspo, a light-coloured rosé wine, is produced from the same red grapes, but with early racking. Its fragrant bouquet with pronounced fruitiness, savory, fresh, harmonious and pleasant flavor is suitable for appetizers, focaccia and fish. Obtained from dried white grapes and aged for almost five years in casks, Vinsanto accompanies desserts and cheeses.

In 1990, Carmignano reached the pinnacle of success, being promoted to Controlled and Guaranteed Designation of Origin (DOCG), the highest classification for Italian wines. This prestigious title testifies to the superlative quality of Carmignano wines and the tireless passion of its producers in preserving and promoting centuries-old winemaking traditions.

For more information:

Road of Carmignano Wines and Typical Flavors of Prato
Consortium for the Protection of Carmignano Wines