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Pan di stracci

Pan di Stracci (rags bread) is a confectionery masterpiece inspired by regenerated fabrics. Tasting it is equivalent to taking a journey among rag-pickers and pastry chefs, where the creation of fine fabrics is transformed into a delight for the palate, paying homage to the gastronomic tradition of Prato. A dessert that tells of traditions, innovation and identity, bringing ecology and creativity into the world of taste.

The inspiration comes from the art of reuse in creating fine fabrics from fabric scraps. Similarly, Pan di Stracci is prepared using leftover brioche from the croissant dough. These scraps of pasta, woven and shaped into irregular shapes, recall the "mountains" of fabrics, symbol of the tall piles of fabrics carefully selected by the rag-pickers.

But the story doesn't stop here. This dessert has variations that create an entire collection of delicacies, recalling the colors of the ragpickers' selection and the fabric collections of Prato companies for international fashion houses. Thus, from the classic Pan di Stracci, variations such as Cammellitto, Verzino, Mezzochiaro and Rossino are born, each with a unique color and taste.

But the surprise doesn't end there. Pan di Stracci, created by Leonardo Cai, comes in two packages: one in recyclable cardboard and a special edition contained in a regenerated jeans bag. The latter, made with 100% cotton yarn, opens completely, becoming a sort of tablecloth on which to share and enjoy the dessert.