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Pinot Noir de Bagnolo

The Villa di Bagnolo Pinot Noir is a splendid wine with a deep ruby color, with dark purple reflections, a broad and intense bouquet, of great elegance and complexity, with dominant notes of berry jam and vanilla, and with nuanced hints of root of liquorice, white truffle and aromatic wood. The flavor is full, warm, soft to the point of velvet but very solid, savory and harmonious, with an aristocratic base of ripe blackcurrant, toasted hazelnut and oak that lingers for a very long time in the mouth.

The sunny vineyards are harmoniously cultivated in the most evocative stretch of Montemurlo countryside located in Bagnolo at the foot of Monteferrato area, at an altitude of approximately 150 meters above sea level. The climate in this low hill area is cool and well ventilated, and offers a significant temperature range even during the summer. The soil, of volcanic origin due to Monteferrato, is characterized by medium-textured shale clay, enriched with skeleton and minerals, among which iron stands out. A distinctive feature is the presence of serpentine, also known as green marble. Furthermore, the presence of water a few meters from the ground guarantees an excellent level of humidity.

Villa di Bagnolo Pinot Noir is a wine born a bit by chance in 1975, when the Marquis Vittorio Pancrazi, wishing to replant the vineyards of his farm, came across an error on the part of the nurseryman who supplied Pinot Noir cuttings instead of traditional Sangiovese grown in those areas. Only after 14 years, thanks to the intervention of an oenologist, was the mistake made by the nurseryman discovered. This mistake turned out to be fortunate since the microclimate of Bagnolo proved to be perfect for Pinot Noir. Thus was born a one-of-a-kind wine that has led Bagnolo Estate to become known and appreciated throughout the world.