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Carmignanini are special biscuits from the Carmignano area, which boast a filling of local dried figs, an authentic Slow Food treasure.

Legend has it that the method of processing dried figs from Carmignano dates back to the Etruscan period, an ancient story that connects the unique flavor of this fruit to the evolution of this land. The Romans stored them for their military campaigns, while centuries later, the nobles gave them to the Medici family.

Even today, as then, the fig is a versatile ingredient that enriches both sweet and savory dishes, to delight even the most refined palates. These small biscuits, prepared with rice flour and stuffed with dried figs, represent an authentic symbol of this tradition.


Start by kneading the sugar and butter, then add the egg yolks and mix thoroughly. Also add the salt, flour, yeast and seeds extracted from the vanilla pod. Let the dough rest for at least one hour.

Roll out the dough and cut out small disks from it.

Place a small piece of dried fig soaked in jam on each disk and cover it with another disk.

Bake in the oven at 180°C for 10-12 minutes.