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Mantovana cake, despite its name, is a traditional dessert from Prato with origins dating back to the 19th century. Legend has it that a famous pastry chef from Prato received this cake as a gift from two nuns from Mantua, as a sign of gratitude for his hospitality.
After having reworked it with his experience as a pastry chef, he proposed it to his customers, who immediately appreciated its flavour. Since then, this simple but delicious cake has been passed down over time and has become the perfect choice for any occasion, be it for breakfast, a snack or any other time of the day.

Start by whiping the two whites and adding the six egg yolks one by one. Add the sugar and mix well. Then, gradually, incorporate the sifted flour, melted butter, vanilla and grated orange zest.

Well butter a 24 cm diameter baking tray and sprinkle it with powdered sugar, chopped almonds and a little flour. Pour the mixture into the tray and distribute the finely chopped almonds and pine nuts on the surface.

Cook in the oven at 160°C (for a slow cooking) for 30 minutes. As soon as it is out of the oven, wait for it to cool and then sprinkle powdered sugar over it.

Mantovana cake is an authentic delight that celebrates the tradition of Prato and its unique flavour.