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Soupe au pain

The Bread soup, or as we call it in Tuscany, Ribollita, is one of the many traditional Tuscan dishes with origins dating back to the Middle Ages.

It is a soup prepared with seasonal vegetables, and the recipes vary depending on the vegetables chosen. Differences are often the result of family habits and personal tastes. However, one thing is certain: you can't make "Bread Soup" without black cabbage!


Chop garlic and onion and brown them in a pan with 4-5 tablespoons of oil. Add the tomato sauce diluted in a glass of hot water.

Add, one at a time, the roughly chopped carrots, celery, black cabbage and cabbage and, after, the peeled and chopped potatoes.

Once everything is well flavoured, add 3/4 of the pureed beans, their cooking water and about a liter of water. Salt, add a little oil and cook for about an hour, covering with a lid.

Cut the bread into thin slices and create a layer at the bottom of a bowl. Pour a ladle of vegetable broth and repeat the operation until you create 3 or 4 layers.

On top of the last layer, place the whole beans and a drizzle of oil. Let it rest for at least half an hour before serving. It is advisable to make a good quantity, because the "Ribollita" of the following day (i.e. the bread soup heated with a drizzle of oil) is considered by many to be even more delicious.