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Soupe aux tomates

Tomato soup is a traditional country dish born from the need to use stale bread and the excellent extra virgin olive oil produced in the olive groves of Carmignano, Montemurlo and Filettole. This recipe is a perfect example of recovery cooking, where simple ingredients are transformed into a delicacy.


In a large pot, put the stale homemade bread cut into pieces, the broth, oil, garlic, chopped tomatoes, tomato paste, basil leaves, salt and pepper. Cook everything for about 15 minutes.

Add a drizzle of raw extra virgin olive oil and, if desired, chilli pepper for a spicy taste. Serve the tomato soup hot in winter or at room temperature in summer.

Tomato soup is a versatile dish, ideal for chasing away the cold in winter and perfect for enjoying summer flavors in summer. Once considered a simple cuisine, today it is appreciated as a delicious first course in restaurants, prosecuting the authentic culinary tradition of Prato.