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Zuccherini de Vernio - La recette

The recipe for Zuccherini di Vernio is a tribute to the past. A recipe handed down from generation to generation that leads to the creation of crunchy and irresistible cookies, with their unique shape and rich flavor. Each bite offers an explosion of delicate and fragrant sweetness, leaving an unforgettable sensation of pleasure.

When tradition and pleasure for the palate come together in a single experience, an explosion of sweetness can be unleashed that delights the senses.



Mix all the ingredients and form small rings, then cook in the oven at 180° for the necessary time. In the meantime, melt 200 g of sugar with a quarter of water on the heat. Dip the rings into the syrup one at a time, turning them gently, until they have formed a white icing on the surface. Then leave them to cool.