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Route de la laine et de la soie

The Wool and Silk Route is an extraordinary journey through history, nature and traditions! The route, approximately 130 km long, connects Prato and Bologna: two historic centers of great cultural value. Bologna, with its canals and the famous Chiusa, was for a long time the capital of silk, while Prato, with its Cavalciotto, mills and fulling mills, is the capital of the wool and textile district. Along the way, you can admire the impressive hydraulic system that contributed to the economic prosperity of these communities, while discovering their industrial heritage.

Crossing two regions rich in history and traditions, this route winds through villages, mountain ranges and valleys. Every step along the way will allow you to immerse yourself in the natural wonders of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines and in the historical and cultural roots of the territories of these two cities, enjoying breathtaking views and meeting people who still preserve ancient traditions and crafts.

The itinerary begins in the suggestive Piazza Duomo of Prato and develops in six stages. The first three stages will take you through Prato, Vaiano and Vernio ,offering you an overview of the wonders of the Tuscan territory. Subsequently, the journey heads towards Emilia Romagna with stops in Castiglione dei Pepoli, Grizzana Morandi, Sasso Marconi and, finally, Bologna.
Get ready for a unique adventure, where history, natural beauty and traditions come together in an unforgettable experience along the Wool and Silk Route!

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Along the route
